English Shayari : Hello friends how are you? I hope you are enjoying the best shayari platform, i.e. Shayari Sukun. Today, we have very special and beautiful Hindi To English Shayari, English Shayari On Love post for you. Love is a beautiful feeling! People in love seem to be happy all the time for no special reason. Everything around seems to be bright and beautiful!
Be it one-sided love or reciprocated love, the feeling is just wonderful! There’s a special glow on their face and they’ll pick bright colors to wear! Don’t believe me? Fall in love and listen these beautiful English Shayari, you’ll agree with me!
✤ शायरी सुनने के लिए ✤
♫ Player लोड होने दें ♫
You can fill your heart with love by listening to these beautiful English Shayari in the voice of Manpreet Kaur!
But tragic love stories… oh, that’s so painful! It tears you apart! It’s the most upsetting thing in the world if the person you love is not interested in you. Nothing else breaks your heart, the way these Best Heart Touching Status does for you!
It doesn’t matter at what stage of love you are right now… one-sided, proposed, in a relationship or post-breakup stage. you will still relate to our wonderful collection of English Shayari In Hindi, English Shayari Hindi, English Shayari For Love.
We request you to share these wonderful English Shayari Hindi, Romantic Love Shayari In English, Love Shayari In English with all your friends and family also.
So friends, have a look here:
Table of Content
- Hindi To English Shayari – हिंदी टू इंग्लिश शायरी
- English Shayari In Hindi – इंग्लिश शायरी इन हिंदी
- English Shayari On Life – इंग्लिश शायरी ऑन लाइफ
- English Shayari Hindi – इंग्लिश शायरी हिंदी
- English Shayari – इंग्लिश शायरी
- Conclusion
Hindi To English Shayari – हिंदी टू इंग्लिश शायरी

1) I’m diving into your thought lost somewhere in middle… baby, you are my destiny take me into your cuddle… -Sagar
2) we'll fly higher than dove to fight for our love, I'm warrior.. my sweetu, I'll never leave you my majesty, I'm yours forever.. -Vanshika
3) I want to travel into space I may found alien as enemy.. But now I've no fear because Ultimately you're my destiny.. - Sagar
4) I'll write the poem for you Beautiful than shakespeare.. I can do this continuosly.. Only because of you my dear.. - Sagar
Hindi To English Shayari will help you find out your love. When you are in love, you tend to be physically somewhere else but mentally, into your lover’s thoughts. You just can’t wait to be together again! Passing even a day without each other seems like an eternity! And once you’re together, everything else ceases to exist.
English Shayari In Hindi – इंग्लिश शायरी इन हिंदी

5) Your face sparkles at me Same like a diamond star.. Although we live at distance You're in my heart but not far.. - Sagar
6) I lost myself in your eyes don’t be out of my sight… imprison me deeply forever I love you more than infinite… -Sagar
7) they said love is never late… baby, you are only my soulmate… -Santosh
8) Whenever you feel boring I'll ask you for long drive.. Don't fear & hesitate darling I'll keep you safe and me alive.. - Sagar
9) Success is just failure turned inside out, The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit, It's when things seems worst that u must not quit - Vanshika
English Shayari In Hindi will show the love in your heart. Place or time doesn’t matter once you are with your lifeline. With eyes locked onto each other and weaving imagination of a beautiful future together. The couple is hardly aware of the world around them and why should they be when they have each other that mean the world to them!
English Shayari On Life – इंग्लिश शायरी ऑन लाइफ
10) in the heart of ocean, pearls are sparkling… I love you so much baby, my heart melts with giggling… -Santosh
11) All I ever wanted was to b a part of ur heart, And for us to b together and never be apart, I hope one day u will come to realise, How perfect u are when seen through my eyes -Vanshika
12) powerful and deep it will forever be, my love is like raging sea.. love you more with every heartbeat, our hearts are so pure and sweet! -Vanshika
English Shayari On Life is the best way to show your feelings. It’s said that if you can say why exactly you love a person, then you just don’t love them but merely like them! If you get butterflies in your stomach, the moment you see your partner, Whenever, your heartbeat increases and you can’t look straight into his or her eyes or your heart melts by their touch… trust me, he/she is the one!
English Shayari Hindi – इंग्लिश शायरी हिंदी
13) Life is beauty admire it, Life is a dream realize it, Life is too precious, do not destroy it Life is life fight for it. - Vanshika
14) People are made to love and then break , Only self love is real ,rest is all fake . 5. Every breath I take,I dedicate it to u, U are the reason for everything I do - Vanshika
15) love first comes and all seems right beyond our reason that we two can fight.. if love can stay strong when it’s tested by fire then we’d share a future that most would admire! -Vanshika
16) I would be aimless if you were not in my life.. your love is priceless to reach goals of my life! -Vanshika
English Shayari Hindi will make your love feelings so pretty. You get the power to fight with the world to be with your love forever! Being in love empowers you and gives you the strength to take a stand against the world. The beautiful feeling of being in each other’s arms forever is just enough to sacrifice everything else!
English Shayari – इंग्लिश शायरी
17) There are days when I lie awake in my bed and wonder, M so lucky u came into my life like the princess of tales yonder - Vanshika
18) when you look at me with sparkling love in your eyes, I smile and begin to wonder.. oh my dear, your cute words make me rise, as if, I'm a beautiful flower! -Manali
19) I wish u knew the way I felt, Everytime I looked at you, I wish u knew my heart would melt, When I thought of me and you -Vanshika
20) my babbu said to me she wants to surf ocean.. I'll be watchful to see her in pico second slow motion.. -Sagar
21) Words are not enough To explain my feelings In the all painfull times You are the only healing - Ehsaas by Ketki
22) I want to travel into space I may found alien as enemy.. But now I've no fear because Ultimately you're my destiny.. - Sagar
23) Growing old together , What a special way to age Together we have grown Like oregano and sage - Vanshika
24) I'll write the poem for you Beautiful than shakespeare.. I can do this continuosly.. Only because of you my dear.. -Sagar
25) You are key for my peace With you I am At my ease - Ehsaas by Ketki
26) Your face sparkles at me Same like a diamond star.. Although we live at distance You're in my heart but not far.. - Sagar
27) The stars may stop shining tomorrow, But I will never stop sheilding u from sorrow, The skies may stop turning blue, But I will never stop loving you - Vanshika
28) Whenever you feel boring I'll ask you for long drive.. Don't fear & hesitate darling I'll keep you safe & myself alive.. - Sagar
29) Laughing faces are easy to find No one can see broken heart You were never ever realized You are the only part of my heart - Ehsaas by Ketki
30) We play pubg game together So we always be winner.. Baby lets go out tonight For candle light dinner.. - Sagar
31) I hoped u would b my last, But u changed very fast, All we had turned to dust , While my heart started to rust - Vanshika
32) I saw nightmare that We were falling down & deep.. Suddenly I woke up & Then I couldn't fall asleep.. -Sagar
33) Broken heart and smiling faces What do think it is perfectly matches - Ehsaas by Ketki
34) Baby you know well that You are my sweetheart.. But that doesn't mean You increase shopping cart.. - Sagar
35) Love all heart none Enjoy and have fun -Ehsaas by Ketki
36) The blue,the amber, gold n pink .. Filling my mind and making me think.. I keep, I hope,her heart with me .. And pray and wait to feel, to see -Vanshika
37) I was a poor guy I was not having money.. Now you're my lucky charm I afford diamond for you honey.. - Sagar
38) Can u come closer when it is night So I don't stare at the moon and wish for a light - Vanshika
39) You have got beautiful eyes Also soft and cute cheek.. When see, I find short of words I don't know how to speak.. - Sagar
40) U are the star that twinkles in the night U are the moon that glows so bright U are the wind that whistles my name U are the love when the world is the same - Vanshika
41) I know you want to propose me Because you like my dimple.. But I want to tell you baby I'm guy who is poor and simple.. - Sagar
42) A smile ,a word, a song a look.. seems small little things .... But when love sparks an action what blessings they bring -Vanshika
43) The angels sing when u are near Within ur arms I have nothing to fear -Vanshika
English Shayariis the only way to find your soulmate. Love can happen anywhere, any moment with anyone. It’s never too late or too early to find true love. Sometimes, you can be with a person all your life and still never fall in love while at other times, you fall in first sight love! True love is innocent, pure & sweet and once you find your soul mate then size, complexion, status, age, nothing of that sort matters!
Friends, we know that love is a strange feeling, which cannot be described in words. But with the help of these Best Heart Touching Status, we want to tell you that love is the most beautiful and wonderful feeling.
– Avalokita Pandey
Friends, how do you feel after listening our English Shayari -1? Please comment us in the comment box given below. Thanks for sharing our post everywhere on social media!
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Shayari Sukun – शायरी सुकून एक ऐसा मंच है जहाँ आपको अलग अलग शायर एवं शायरा की नायब और खूबसूरत शायरियां पढ़ने, सुनने और डाउनलोड करने को मिलती है. इन्ही में से कुछ शायरी सुकून फॅमिली के प्रमुख सदस्य है सु. श्री. वृषाली जी, जो की एक उम्दा शायरा है, वौइस् ओवर टैलेंट है और शायरी सुकून की प्रेजिडेंट है. श्रीमान संतोष जी, जो की SEO एक्सपर्ट है, हुनहार शायर है और वौइस् ओवर टैलेंट है. वंशिका नवलानी मैडम Human Administrator पदभार को संभाले हुए है.
Waah Manpreet ma’am,
You have recorded these shayaris in very interesting manner..
So nice.. 👌👌
Excellent presentation Manpreet Ma’m!!
Mind blowing Shayaries and engaging script.. listening to these Shayaries in your style was really a great experience..
love first comes and all seems right
beyond our reason that we two can fight..
if love can stay strong when it’s tested by fire
then we’d share a future that most would admire!
Nice 1 Vanshika ma’m…
Congratulations on the success of new venture Team Shayari Sukun- English Shayari
Best Wishes!!
– Kalyani