Shayari Sukun Presents

Good Morning

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अगले स्लाइड के लिए स्क्रीन टैप करें

Everything you require is already within you. Don't wait for others to turn on the light. You've got your own set of matches.  Good morning, sweetheart!

Time is an important commodity.  Enjoy every moment and make the most of it by doing something useful.  Good day, my darling!

It's incredible to wake up to such a gorgeous morning.  I hope you make the best of the situation.  Good day, sweetheart!

My life has improved dramatically since you've entered it;  thank you for being there, love! Good Morning Honey!

There is no such thing as a second chance in life. As a result,  savour each and every moment.  Why not begin with this lovely morning?  Have a wonderful morning,  my sweetheart!

Seeing your beautiful smiling smile first thing in the morning brightens my day.  Good day, sweetheart!

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Good Morning shayari

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